In the latter days of 2020 the ability to schmooze at corporate events is few and far between, and to do so without masks and social distancing is pretty much impossible.
But the 1000 Hills Community Tourism Organisation knew that it’s members would want to be a part of the official launch and so got to planning a soiree (yup, we’re fancy like that) at the Cotswold Downs Leisure Center.
Invites were sent out to all of the CTO members as well as non-members that participated in the video and of course members of the press. Pretty soon the RSVP’s were rolling in and the limited space filled up.
At the risk of sounding of blowing our own horns a little too loudly (I am one of the directors after all) the evening went off without a hitch and was a resounding success!
There is always a chance at these sorts of events that the audience (or members in our case) don’t connect with whatever is being promoted or launched. Then there will be an uncomfortable silence where everyone just kinda looks at each other while trying to come up with legit sounding excuses to be able to leave.
That didn’t happen!
After the speeches were finished the newly produced video was played and to our relief (nah,that’s not true, we knew we had a hit on our hands) the audience broke into cheers and clapping. Not only that, but people insisted the video be played a number of times!
If that’s not a resounding success than I dunno what is.
Thanks be to all
After some sort of calm returned, a final round of thank you speeches were made including from Durban Tourism and then guests were free to mingle, network and enjoy the amazing food put on by the talented staff at Cotdwold Downs.
A successful end to a very successful launch – well done to all!
Image Gallery from the Launch
Kevin Smith and George Victor Rhino Moepadira and Paul Paine Greg Oosthuizen and Julie Aitken Makhosi Msimang, Winile Mutungwa, Paul Paine Tessa Robertson, Rhino Moepadira, Sandra Mackintosh Winile Mutungwa,Deputy Head, Durban Tourism Group dance
A big thank you to “Publicity Matters” for the use of the images.