What’s the quickest and easiest way to tell you about how amazing the Valley of a 1000 Hills is? It has to be video right? Well, not only are we giving the video, but on top of that we’re setting the whole thing music – now there’s a thing!
It was out our annual AGM not that long ago, held at Macnut Farm in Assagay that one of our wonderful directors of the CTO, Hlengiwe Zulu of Siyakwamukela B&B in Bothas Hill, came up with the idea of honouring the State Presidents request for “Jerusalema videos”.
Next up came Jane Candow of Lindisfarne B&B, a talented musical performer in her own right, who then began pulling together all the jigsaw pieces that would eventually snap into place revealing the completed video.
And without further ado, the finished project, the Valley of a 1000 Hills CTO video.
Give yourselves a great big pat on the back
Let’s be perfectly clear here though, not one second of the video would have been put together without the help of our amazing community tourism members, their staff, volunteers and those that very graciously allowed us to use their footage (you know who you are).
In no particular order, the 1000 Hills CTO would like to thank the following people and organisations.
- PheZulu Safari Park
- Kearsney College
- 1000 Hills Craft Village
- Beryl Johnson (and her horse)
- The mountainbikers
- Lindisfarne staff
- The Just Dance line dancers
- Willow Way Manor
- Bush Junkies
- Tim Brown Tours
- Cybele Eco Tours
- The 1000 Hills Chef School
- Alverstone Conservancy
- Shongweni Farmers Market
- Siyakwamukela B&B
- Umgeni Steam Rail
- The road cyclists
- The marathon runners
- Chantecler Hotel
- Summerveld Jockey Academy
- WozaMoya, Embocraft and the Hillcrest AIDS Center
- Macnut wedding chapel
- Bonna Terra restaurant
- Camelot Golf Estate
- Ammazulu Palace
- The 1000 Hills CTO directors for their very loose interpretatation of the Jerusalema dance (lessons definitely required)
To anyone that it not mentioned in the list above, it is not intentional and an oversight of the authors (so my) hazy memory.