The Durban Tourism Activation Campaign took place at a strategic time, just before the June-July School holidays. The relevance of this timing for the industry role players, stakeholders and holiday makers is that the campaign brought Durban as a destination to the proximity of holiday planning ahead of the winter holidays. Due to the pandemic, overseas travel has been barred and the available options are domestic travel destinations.
In light of this reality, showcasing Durban tourism offerings was in order and it proved to be a perfect opportunity to target the South African locals, who also had the willingness to pay attention to the promotional content.
The activation roadshows form part of the City’s inter-provincial destination promotion. It is part of eThekwini’s strategy to reignite the tourism industry and to ensure the City increases its stake in the domestic tourism market.
The campaign messages communicated in Cape Town were concerned with promoting Durban Tourism in general, as well as Winter Tourism in particular – which was backed by selling the Durban July and the Summer holidays, amongst other attractions.
Altogether, the activation focused on advertising Durban Tourism, while also pointing out attractions in the areas represented by the 9 CTO’s.
In keeping with the destination marketing strategy, 1000 Hills Tourism took part in the campaign to increase visibility and sell tourism products available in the area. The proposition for the 1000 Hills Tourism has their own stand-out quality and attractiveness that made this selling and engaging activity throughout the duration of the campaign.
Download the full report here.