Random Acts of Kindness Day , Thurs 17 Feb

Today, Thursday 17 February, is the globally-recognised Random Acts of Kindness Day – a day set aside for impulsive, feel-good gestures of unsolicited generosity to others; a day of “paying it forward” where one responds to a person’s kindness by being kind to someone else.

The 1000 Hills Community Tourism of course supports any gestures of kindness and care.

The proactive and innovative Woza Moya, a leading creative entrepreneurship project based in Hillcrest, is suggesting a meaningful way of displaying Random Acts of Kindness today and in the weeks which follow.

Executive Manager of Woza Moya, Paula Thomson, with one of the abandoned kitties (the very tame little one) who have taken up residence at Woza Moya Hillcrest.
Executive Manager of Woza Moya, Paula Thomson, with one of the abandoned kitties (the very tame little one) who have taken up residence at Woza Moya Hillcrest.

A family of ten feral felines have recently moved into their Hillcrest property.  Rather than burden the already stretched animal charities, they are happy to take responsibility of their new brood. The cats have been spayed / neutered and ears clipped with the help of Kitten Action and SPCA.

….. however they could use some help in feeding all the extra hungry mouths.

So if you have some spare tins or sachets of cat food at home, or if your budget allows you to pop a few extra tins into your supermarket trolley, the Woza Moya kitties would be eternally grateful. In fact, in the spirit of “paying it forward”, team Woza Moya will even exchange each tin of cat food for a bespoke hand-made fabric mask if you pop into HACT (subject to availability).

One Random Act of Kindness deserves another – Cat lovers who donate food to the Woza Moya kitties can receive a free hand made lined fabric mask (subject to availability)

Pop into the Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust (HACT) complex, browse in the magnificent Woza Moya craft shop and gallery; have a cup of coffee at their Ubuntu café or a take-out from their coffee truck; meaner through the white elephant shop, the plant nursery and book store; or visit their stunning little satellite store in Windermere Centre.

And if you see the kitties, say “Hi”.

Good to Know

Woza Moya is the arts and craft-focused economic empowerment project of the Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust.

Shop opening times:

Weekdays: 8am – 4pm & Saturdays:  8am – 2pm – Woza Moya Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust 26 Old Main Road Hillcrest

Weekdays: 9am -5pm & Saturdays:  8am – 2pm Woza Moya Windermere Centre

Call us on: +27 31 765 5866

Post/Pre Sales Queries: wozamoya@hillaids.org.za

Marketing Queries/Corporate Projects: wozamarketing@hillaids.org.za

Find us on Facebook: wozamoyahactandfriends

See the love on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/woza_moya/

Woza Moya is supported by and is a proud member of 1000 Hills Community Tourism.

Show the love – Woza Moya style!